You Belong: Because God Is Who He Says He Is

You Belong: Because God Is Who He Says He Is

Understanding who we are through who God says He is erases all the boxes we’ve put ourselves into. Discover five ways God names Himself in relation to us and how each name reveals a God who claims us, considers us, names us, and loves us. Belonging has nothing to do with us, but everything to do with Him. Unleash joy-filled freedom and learn to think more like a true Child of God.

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You Belong: Because God Is Who He Says He Is
  • You Belong - Session 1 - Do I Belong?

    Belonging is a big deal to us humans. We seemingly spend our lives trying to be somebody's something (friend, spouse, parent, idol, leader, mentor, boo, babe). It is no wonder then that to *not* belong is one of our biggest fears. ***What do they think of me? How do I fit? Do I really belong?"***...

  • You Belong - Session 2 - The Good Shepherd

    One of the most prominent ways in the Bible that God declares His belonging over us is through the analogy of a shepherd's connection to his sheep. God uses this image to demonstrate how He cares for us and how we can trust and depend on Him. When we trust in the leading and sustenance of God, He...

  • You Belong - Session 3 - The Heavenly Father

    Good or bad, we have all seen examples of fathers in the world around us. God intended for this earthly relationship to help us better understand how we belong to Him. Unfortunately, even the best earthly fathers fall short of our heavenly Father's love for and commitment to us. That is why it is...

  • You Belong - Session 4 - The Bridegroom

    One of the ways the Bible describes our belonging to Jesus is through the illustration of a bride and groom. Jesus is the groom who passionately loves us, His bride, and desires that we love Him with the same passion in return. This may seem like an interesting way to think about your relationshi...

  • You Belong - Session 5 - The head of the Body

    Candace Payne, dives head first into how our understanding of self-worth, identity, and intimacy are directly connected to our understanding of our relationship with God and His people. Candace explores how every facet of our lives can be a practice of living in the presence of God, because our j...

  • You Belong - Session 6 - The Source of Belonging

    So often we approach our lives and faith with will-power and self-sufficiency alone. We act like we are a vine that can grow all by ourselves. God, however, wants us to understand that we are more like a branch. Without staying connected to Jesus, the true vine, we have no hope of bearing the fru...