Think Like Jesus (Believe Bible Study Series)

Think Like Jesus (Believe Bible Study Series)

It's not enough to know what you think you're supposed to believe. Jesus calls us to live differently. Living differently starts with deep, gut-level conviction that you know what you believe and you know why it matters. Understand the key beliefs of Christianity that, when embraced in your mind and heart, will create true transformation in your thoughts, habits and character.

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Think Like Jesus (Believe Bible Study Series)
  • S1: Who Is God? (Think Like Jesus)

    The Bible never seeks to defend the existence of God. It is assumed. Rather, the Bible unveils the One True God. Because God is God, *I am not*. He is in control, and I want to know and follow his will for my life. Because I was created in the image of the triune God and for community, I recogniz...

  • S2: Does God Care About Me? (Think Like Jesus)

    God is actively involved in my life, and has a purpose for me. **Be mindful:** God's ways are higher than mine. **Don't worry:** God, who controls nature and history, cares about me. **Be excited:** God is working out his good plan for my life.

  • S3: How Do I Have a Relationship with God? (Think Like Jesus)

    We are saved because of what Jesus did, not because of what we do. No matter what troubles I face in this life, they pale in comparison to my salvation for eternity. Therefore, I need to walk in grace and offer grace to others.

  • S4: How Does the Bible Guide My Life? (Think Like Jesus)

    The words of the Bible are words from God. The Bible has decisive authority over what I say and do. The Bible is the lens from which I view the world. The principles in the Bible must govern my life even when I don't fully understand or like what it teaches.

  • S5: Who Am I in Christ? (Think Like Jesus)

    God loves me, therefore my life has value. I exist to know, love and serve God. My worth comes from my position in Christ, not my performance. I live to express who I am in Christ, not to prove who I am. Therefore, I can focus on building others up, not tearing them down.

  • S6: What Is the Purpose of the Church? (Think Like Jesus)

    The community of true believers is Christ's body on earth. The purpose of the church is to share the gospel and nurture Christians to maturity in Christ. God will use the church to accomplish his purposes in your life. And God will use you and your spiritual gifts to accomplish his purposes in th...

  • S7: How Does God Value People? (Think Like Jesus)

    We are created in the image of God and therefore have equal value, regardless of race, religion, or gender. We need to see and treat all people the way God sees and treats them. Each person possess a sinful nature and is in need of God's forgiveness. This compels us to tell all people about Jesus.

  • S8: What is Eternity Going to Be Like? (Think Like Jesus)

    Every person is subject to the judgment of God. All people who place their trust in Jesus Christ will spend eternity in heaven. So we can live with hope every day, regardless of the circumstances. Life can get better here, but even if it doesn't, heaven awaits us. We need to lead more people into...